About Me

Hi! I’m Dr. Petra Villette, a population biologist and ecologist by training, and an R enthusiast and data nerd at heart. I hold a MSc in Zoology from the University of British Columbia and a PhD in Population Biology and Ecology from the Universite de Bourgogne Franche-Comte. My research interests include small mammal population dynamics and parasite community dynamics, but I’m also interested in the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge and how science informs policy. I use this blog to keep my skills sharp and explore datasets that I normally wouldn’t encounter in my work, as well as share my code with those wishing to replicate my findings. Thanks for stopping by!

For inquiries about data science consulting services or manuscript proofing, please contact me by email: petra.villette@gmail.com

I can also be found on twitter, github, and linkedin


  • Villette P, Afonso E, Couval G, Levret A, Galan M, Goydadin AC, Cosson JF, Giraudoux P. (2020). Spatio-temporal Trends in Richness and Persistence of Bacterial Communities in Decline-Phase Water Voles Populations. Accepted by Scientific Reports
  • Giraudoux P, Villette P, Qu'{e}r'{e} JP, Damange JP, Delattre P. (2019). Weather influences {M. arvalis} reproduction but not population dynamics in a 17-year time series. Scientific Reports. 9. 10.1038/s41598-019-50438-z
  • Giraudoux P, Couval G, Coeurdassier M, Villette P. (2017). Agriculture et campagnols: quels impacts sur les '{e}cosyst`{e}mes franguignons? Bourgogne-Nature, 25: 253-261
  • Villette P, Afonso E, Couval G, Levret A, Galan M, Tatard C, Cosson JF, Giraudoux P. (2017). Consequences of organ choice in describing bacterial pathogen assemblages in a rodent population. Epidemiology \& Infection 145(14): 3070-3075}
  • Villette P, Jung TS, Krebs CJ. (2017). Evaluating camera traps as an alternative to live trapping for estimating the density of snowshoe hares Lepus americanus and red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 63(1): 7
  • Villette P, Krebs CJ, Jung TS, Boonstra R. (2015). Can camera trapping provides accurate estimates of small mammal Myodes rutilus and Peromyscus maniuclatus density in the boreal forest? Journal of Mammalogy, 97(1): 32-40}
  • Rueckert S, Villette P, and Leander BS. (2011). Species boundaries in gregarine apicomplexans: A case study comparison of morphometric and molecular variability in Lecudina cf. tuzetae (Eugregarina, Lecudinidae). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 58: 275-283}